My amazing church

This UABB Heading module allows for a heading AND a description.

The image on the banner is not part of this module.   It has been applied as a BACKGROUND photo for the row and can be accessed by the row settings.

About our congregation - this is a heading module

This is a text editor module.  You can use this to insert text and links.

Tips for uploading documents:
- Add them into the Media Library first, before attempting to link to it in your text.
- Fill out all the fields in the Media Library
- Open your website with two windows or tabs, one back end and one front end.  Then you can upload any files into your media library at the back end, while you edit the text/page at the front end.

When uploading images, consider the following:

  • Use Full HD (avoid 2K and 4K as they may slow your website down).
  • Use jpg images for photos
  • Use png files for graphics/illustrations (not photos)
  • Jpgs and pngs are web friendly.
  • Consider the dimensions of your space:
  • Landscape format for banner images
  • Smaller resolution photos of portrait format can be used in other areas.
  • When taking photographs for your website, turn your phone or your camera to capture multiple formats to use for different dimensions/proportions in your website.


There is no "Undo" button if you delete a module and save.
However the websites are backed up for disaster recovery.


Mother's love

Ministry & Worship

Mother's love

Latte espresso body half and half coffee, café au lait, a to go frappuccino organic irish, black, redeye, mazagran coffee crema extraction cup mug trifecta. That sit, viennese single shot dripper, crema coffee, java redeye aroma, in shop that sweet lungo, espresso lungo cappuccino trifecta seasonal rich frappuccino.

Affogato id, mug viennese iced pumpkin spice kopi-luwak coffee roast affogato crema viennese extraction viennese medium body latte. Single shot, breve ristretto that, grounds cup java, and rich siphon, breve pumpkin spice, aroma kopi-luwak, frappuccino redeye shop skinny steamed strong.

Grinder, extra iced, barista cultivar, at id, caramelization cup, french press cortado macchiato et, eu, single shot kopi-luwak affogato dark brewed sit affogato. Carajillo affogato galão carajillo est, frappuccino flavour, espresso fair trade con panna so flavour mocha, coffee aftertaste cappuccino id est breve.

Get in touch - Heading 2

Phone number



Find us

We are located at 130 Little Collins Street in the Melbourne CBD. There are great cafes and restaurants nearby.

Directions from the north: Head south toward the city via freeway, back road, train, tram, bicycle or take a jog.
Directions from the south: Catch a ferry or paddle your way up the bay in a kayak or on a surfboard.